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28 Days of Lipstick!!! - Day 21: M.A.C "Lady Danger"

It's finally Fridaaaaaayyyyy!!!!! :) What better way to end the week than with another beautiful, vibrant lipstick? Introducing Lady Danger, my most recent purchase from M.A.CM.A.C describes it as a "vivid bright coral-red [lipstick with a matte finish]". It's a beautiful, bold, vibrant orangish-red lipstick and I absolutely love it! Find it here

I broke her can you believe it?! Major sad face. :( I found Lady Danger to be extremely creamy for it to be matte. The color is insanely bright, and I got full color pay off with just one coat! Looove it!! I will definitely be wearing this for sure once it gets warmer out. As a matter of fact, why wait? I'll be rocking that now!! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!! Until next time, toodles.


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