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November Favies

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmassss!! :) Welcome back loves! It's officially December!

I have been absolutely dyinggg to get my hands on Lime Crime Utopia. A super gorgeous vibrant orchid velvetine. Utopia is what dreams are made of! The color. Omg the color!! Truly stunning. I did find it very drying on the lips so exfoliating prior to application is a must. However, it is so unique and worth the effort. I absolutely love it. (Full post HERE) I'm still crushing on Essie polishes. (Surprise, surprise haha!) My two faves at the moment are She's Pampered, a gorgeous red with a pink undertone, and Bahama Mama, a beautiful purple with a red undertone. Both are so perfect for the holidays and look stunning on. As a matter of fact She's Pampered is officially my perfect red, (Full post HERE) and I've been rocking Bahama Mama for almost three weeks now. (Full post HERE) I've gotten sick twice in the past two months and have been super stressed lately and it has completely taken a toll on my skin. To help get back that youthful glow and get rid of this horrible acne I decided I needed The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Facial Wash (long name or nah?) in my life. I remember using it throughout my teens and working wonderfully. I've been on the hunt for the most perfect mascara and I'm pretty sure I've found it in Too Faced Better than Sex. I love love LOVE it! The brush separates my lashes effortlessly giving much needed drama, length and volume. And it is so jet black, very important. Not going to lie, the name is adorb also. *insert blushing emoji here* (Full post HERE)

What have you been loving lately? Until next time, toodles. Happy hump day!

"You have one month to finish the book of 2014. Make the last chapter a perfect one." <3



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