Happy New Year everyone! May your dreams come true and many blessings come your way. <3 2014 was one hell of an amazing year for me.
(Credit to Alex Underwood for the gorgeous drawing. Thank you!)
I finally started chasing my dreams and Queen Ashley was born. My blog means so much to me. It makes me happy, proud, stressed, emotional, scared, loved; a huge rollercoaster but I wouldn't change it for the world.
I turned 27 (yes, 27) and learned it's not the end of the world. I've learned to love myself, found true love, learned to forgive, and finally started chasing my dreams! What more could I ask for? Of course there are things I wanted to achieve and have not yet but I have learned those too come in due time. Here's to being 27 and FABULOUS!!! ;)
I met such beautiful, kind hearted, amazing friends that turned into family and fell in love with lipstick and selfies hardcore (haha).

I bought my first car and officially became a grownup. ( Womp womp ). I had the most amazing summer everr with lots and lots of quality time with my family by the pool, my first Maxwell concert (eeekkk), 8 incredibly wonderful years with the love of my life and witnessed my cousin marry her best friend. Congrats again Mr. and Mrs. Walker! We also added another fur baby, Skips, to our life and I just love and adore him so much.
Sometimes we allow our dreams to intimidate us. Sometimes we allow our dreams to crush us. Sometimes before we've even really tried exploring them doubt creeps in. I'm learning you can't half heartedly make amazing things happen in your life. You have to push yourself. This quote is a constant reminder.
I was finally in the holiday spirit and we put up my first Christmas tree! Christmas was truly a beautiful experience. I was surrounded by love and couldn't ask for a better one.
Something absolutely shocking happened to me on Instagram a few days before Xmas actually. I just about died!! It just shows that hard work and dedication are everything.
I ended 2014 with a year of blogging. The perfect ending to a truly awesome year. Probably one of my best. I have definitely pushed myself out of my comfort zone and a lot of effort was put into chasing my dreams. It can only get even more amazing from here! I hope you have a fabulous weekend and cheers to 2015!!!!! <3Xx,