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28 Days of Lipstick!!! - Day 16: Melt. "6six6"

6six6 is an "ultra-matte deep burgundy" lipstick, from Melt. Cosmetics. Find it here
Like it's sisters, By Starlight and Space Cake, 6six6 is extremely matte but not drying. In fact, it's actually creamy! I will admit I was a little disappointed when getting 6six6 in the mail. I was expecting a much deeper toned burgundy (since that's how it was advertised) and I'm not in love with the name (it sounds a little demonic). But, it's still a very gorgeous color! It's extremely bold, lasts forever, and doesn't budge!
 While I absolutely love this lipstick, I feel like it's nothing special and that I have a color similar to it in my collection. Until next time, toodles.

Do you have 6six6? Did it meet your expectations?




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