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Must Have Makeup Brushes (Updated)

The right makeup brushes can do your makeup good.  

So today I'm sharing my must have tools to help you achieve that flawless look we like. 

Sigma F40 Large Angled Contour Brush
Sooo technically this brush was made for contouring.  But I think it's more ideal for blush.  It fits in perfectly into the cheekbone area and places application precisely where I need it.  It picks up pigment well and distributes the product so nicely.  I love it so much that I actually have a backup. You need it.

Sigma F88 Flat Angled Kabuki Brush
Meet my new favorite foundation brush.  It's super easy to use and blends foundation flawlessly.   And I love that it's angled! It's fits right in between the brows without touching them and gets into those other hard to reach places like around the nose.  A must.  I swear my blending time has been cut in half easily thanks to this baby.  It just leaves a beautiful non cakey look.  What was life like before this I do not know.  I'm literally obsessed.  I need a backup haha.

Sigma F77 Chisel and Trim Contour Brush
I. Love. This. Brush.  It is AH-MAZING!  Completely changed my contour game.  No lie.  I find with some larger contour brushes you just don't have much control and I think that's what I love most about this brush.  You are in total control.  It's nice and small and can creates the most gorgeous, chiseled cheekbone. Ok so I think I might just need a backup of this too.  Lol lol.

Sigma F64 Soft Blend Concealer Brush
I meaaaaan, what kind of post would this be without the most fabulous concealer brush in the entire world?! Haha.  It's so freaking great you guys I swear.  It blends concealer so fast and was made to fit directly under the eyes. I find the beauty blender can sheer the product out a bit more than my liking and this does the complete opposite.  The coverage is still there and the bristles are nice and soft.  Loooove it. But you already knew that, right?! *wink*

Sigma F03 High Cheekbone Highlighter Brush
This is easily my new favorite highlighter brush.  It sits perfectly on top of the cheekbone and I kind of sort of maybe like this more than the fan brush.  Oops did I just say that?! Well.

Sigma E30 Pencil Brush 
I love using this brush in the corner of my eyes to highlight and in my crease to add definition to a look.  It's soft and dense and is honestly the most perfect size.  It gets the job done.

Elf Beauty Blender
This bad boy is only six bucks and I swear works like a charm.   It blends everything so beautifully. Effortless and flawless.  It just manages to make everything look like skin.  A must.  To be honest I only recently started using this again and I have no idea why I ever stopped.  Who knew Elf would come through with such an awesome product?  I love it so much.

What are some of your favorite, must have makeup brushes?!  Let me know in the comments below.  Sorry I've been MIA yet again but hopefully i'm back for good.  PS I'm back on the 'gram with all new lip swatches so be sure to check those out!! I would love you forever or whatever. Lol lol.   Username is queeenashley.  Also I'll be posting my review of the ColourPop No Filter Concealers sometime this week so be sure to come back for that.  Hope all is well.  K love you byeeee.



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